Privacy Policy



privacy policy SEASON Co., Ltd. (#104 loire mansion NISHIKOEN, 3-10-26, minato, chuo-ku, fukuoka, Japan CEO: KEISUKE SATO Below, our company) has a public mission and personality as a company that handles corporate and customer information. Based on the principle of respect, we have formulated this personal information protection policy and strive to protect and properly handle personal information.

1. Definition

Personal information is information related to a living individual that can identify a specific individual (address, name, address, gender, telephone number, e-mail address, occupation, place of work, etc.). Says.

2.Purpose of collection and use

Our company may collect personal information such as membership registration on this site, registration for e-mail magazines, and inquiries. The purposes for which we collect or use personal information are as follows.

To respond to and contact customers’ inquiries regarding AI BEAUTIES FANCLUB.

To conduct questionnaires about AI BEAUTIES FANCLUB.

To send e-mails containing advertisements and promotions regarding the products and services of our company or third parties who jointly sell products or services with our company (hereinafter referred to as “business partners”).

To conduct surveys and studies for the purpose of developing and improving the services or products of our company and our company’s business partners.

For payment of rewards to creators.

To bill users who use paid services.

To notify the results of contests, campaigns, sweepstakes, etc. and to ship products.

To provide information on various services.

For identity verification.

To send an invitation email to the introduced friend when using the friend referral program.

3.Thorough security control measures for personal data

Our company manages personal data appropriately and carefully, and implements the necessary and appropriate level of security measures to prevent risks such as leakage, misuse, falsification, and unauthorized access. We strive to protect

Technical safeguards

We will limit who has access to personal data.

We will take measures to protect personal information from unauthorized external access (using SSL security, installing anti-virus software, etc.).

Organizational protective measures

We will train our employees on the management of personal information.

4. Usage Restrictions

Our company will not disclose or sell your personal information to a third party without your consent, or use it for any other purpose. However, this does not apply if there is a request from a public institution (court, police, etc.).

5.Prohibition of Use and Prohibition of Provision to Third Parties

Our company will not use personal information for any purpose other than the above without obtaining your consent. In addition, we will not disclose or provide personal data to third parties unless there is a justifiable reason such as based on laws and ordinances. However, in the following cases, personal information may be disclosed or provided exceptionally.

In accordance with laws and ordinances.

When it is necessary to protect life, body or property, and when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

If it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution or local public entity or a person entrusted by it in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and ordinances, and with the consent of the person concerned, the relevant affairs When there is a risk of impeding performance.

When outsourcing our company’s business to a web server management/operating company

6.Provision of information to subcontractors

Our company may provide some of the personal information to external subcontractors such as delivery companies in order to carry out the services we provide to our customers.

Our company may provide a hashed record of you to a third party in order to serve advertisements using the third party’s service. At that time, the hashed record will be processed by a means that cannot be restored so that a specific individual cannot be identified, and will be provided by a method of directly sending it to a third party from the customer’s browser using Javascript code.

7. Cookies, etc.

This site uses technologies such as cookies, web beacons, and embedded scripts to provide comfortable services to users, and to track user movements on the website and analyze trends. To do. See below for their purpose and use.

Saving Preferences and Authenticating

This site saves changes in settings made by users in cookies in order to provide comfortable services to users. No personal information is stored in these cookies. Most browsers can be set to disable cookies. However, if you disable cookies, some functions and services of this site may not function properly.

Show Ads

We partner with third party companies to display advertisements on our site. These third party companies may use technologies such as cookies to deliver targeted advertisements based on the web pages you have viewed and your interests. Information collected by third-party companies for advertisement distribution using cookies, etc. is managed under the respective privacy policies of these third-party companies.

If you do not want your information to be collected and used for the purpose of delivering targeted advertisements, you can disable (opt out of) targeted advertisements by following the steps described on the page below. If you disable targeted ads, you will continue to receive generic ads.

Google Inc. > Privacy Policy > Opt-out

Yahoo Japan Corporation > Privacy Policy > Opt Out

CRITEO Inc. > Privacy Policy > Opt-out

I-mobile Inc. > Privacy Policy > Opt-out

We will notify the recipient of the personal information if it is assumed that the recipient will acquire the personal information as personal data. Make sure you have that consent above.

Google Analytics

This site uses Google Analytics provided by Google Inc. to analyze the behavior of users who visit this site. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze user behavior. For information on how Google Analytics collects and uses information, please refer to the Google Analytics Terms of Service and Google’s Privacy Policy.

Google Analytics Terms of Service

Terms of Service | Google Analytics – Google
Read Google Analytics terms of service.

Google Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy – Privacy & Terms – Google

8. Access log

Our company uses access logs (files) to investigate usage trends of this site for the purpose of improving services. As a result, our company can statistically obtain site usage information from IP addresses, referrer information, etc., but it will not be used for the purpose of collecting and analyzing personal information.

9. Notes

Some social networking services (SNS), if you browse a website with a “button” of the SNS, etc., will send messages from the website to the SNS without pressing the “button”. Information such as your user ID and the site you are accessing may be automatically sent. For details, please see “Notes for SNS users” (Personal Information Protection Commission website). In addition, please check the privacy policy of the social media and other services used on this site on the website of each business operator.

10. Scope

The content regarding the handling of personal information posted on this page applies only within this site. You can move to other sites from the links installed on this site, but we are not concerned at all with the details of the personal information handling policy and protection and management of other sites.

11. Management system

When you provide your important personal information, we will strive to protect it both online and offline under a thorough management system.

12. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Our company complies with laws, ordinances, and other norms related to personal information, including the Personal Information Protection Act.

13.Procedures for Disclosure, Correction, etc.

Our company accepts requests for disclosure of retained personal data (including records provided by third parties) and notification of purpose of use from the principal. When there is a request for disclosure from the person himself/herself, we will disclose it without delay by providing written or electromagnetic records. However, if any of the following items apply, we may not disclose all or part of it. In addition, if it is difficult to disclose by the disclosure method specified by the person, such as when disclosure requires a large amount of money, it will be disclosed in writing.

①When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the person or a third party

②When there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper implementation of our company’s business

(3) If it violates other laws and regulations

(4) When the disclosure obligation is exempted by law

Where to request disclosure, etc.

Please submit the required documents below.


#104 loire mansion NISHIKOEN,3-10-26,minato,chuo-ku,fukuoka,Japan

AI BEAUTIES FANCLUB customer service


What to submit

(1) Notification of Purpose of Use of Personal Information/Request for Disclosure

②Personal information correction request form

(3) Request Form for Suspension of Use of Personal Information

④ Documents for identity verification (driver’s license, passport, etc.)

⑤In the case of a legal representative, in addition to ④ above, a document confirming that you have legal representation


Please note that a processing fee of 3,000 yen will be charged for each request for disclosure and notification of purpose of use. In addition, if you request by mail, we will charge a fee for bank transfer.

In addition, our company accepts requests for correction, addition, or deletion of retained personal data from the person in question (request procedures and fees are in accordance with the aforementioned disclosure procedures). In this case, we will conduct an investigation without delay, and if it is found that the handling of the retained personal data is inappropriate, such as when the content of the retained personal data is contrary to the facts, we will make corrections, additions, or deletions without delay and notify the person to that effect. increase.

In addition, if the retained personal data falls under any of the following items, our company may request suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to a third party (hereinafter referred to as “suspension of use”). etc.”) (request procedures and fees are in accordance with the disclosure procedure above), necessary investigation will be conducted without delay, and based on the results, the retained personal data will be disclosed without delay to the extent necessary. We will suspend the use of personal information, etc., and notify the person to that effect. However, in cases where suspension of use, etc. requires a large amount of money or other cases in which it is difficult to suspend use, etc., and when necessary alternative measures can be taken to protect the rights and interests of the person. , we will take this alternative.

(1) When handled beyond the scope of the purpose of use

②When it is obtained by illegal means

(3) In case of illegal provision to a third party

④Inappropriate use

⑤When our company no longer needs to use the retained personal data

⑥When our company is required to report to the Personal Information Protection Commission due to the leakage of personal data by law

⑦Other cases where the rights or legitimate interests of the individual may be harmed

14. Policy update

If our company changes this policy, we will notify you on this site.

15. Opinions, Complaints, Objections

If you feel that you are not following this policy, please contact our company. After confirming the contents of the request, we will contact you and try to take appropriate measures. Go to inquiry form

16. Contacts

If you have any questions regarding our company’s handling of personal information or requests for disclosure of information, please contact us below.


#104 loire mansion NISHIKOEN,3-10-26,minato,chuo-ku,fukuoka,Japan

AI BEAUTIES FANCLUB customer service

